Trying Bonavita's 8 Cup Brewer at home

I normally do V60's, aeropress or cafetiere at home, but I got this Bonavita 8 cup (5oz per cup) brewer to try at home... and I was surprised, I liked it! The taste that came through was great. Pretty on point with a v60 actually. 

I love the thermal carafe and the lid that has a lever/hatch to keep the heat in and release the coffee on demand. There's a pre-infusion mode that is quite effective, because it has a 'shower head'-like water dispersing design. 

I think this will be GREAT for when i'm working from home, or for a small office. I'm not sure if it would be big enough to have in a busy cafe, but certainly could be a good alternative to smaller cafes wanting to offer good quality coffee as a filter. 

The quality really surprised me. The brew was clean, soft and tasty. It keeps coffee warm for a good for about 4 hours but if you haven't drunk it all before then, SHAME ON YOU! ;) I'd say you'd want to drink it within the hour or two hours maximum.  Medium grind is good (and I just bought Melitta filter papers from the supermarket) Easy!

I used my favourite coffee of-the-moment from The Roastery Dept (Atitlan, Guatemala) so damn good,

I'm addicted. 

Music by Carl Darling, JellyBoxMusic